Hex Chat Color
Discusses how to setup hex color chat for announcements, luckperms, and chat formating
Firstly, you should create your desired hex layout here: https://rgbmynick.co.za/
Ensure you use type "nickname" when creating, and NOT luckperms. This type will work in luckperms for ranks if you use ServerTools chat formatting in the config.yml
After you create some text like c32c8O񗃴we9764n/ca32e3fd00r for a cool Owner role, open luckperms editor & add it in like any other
Hex codes work both as &# and #. (ex: &f, &#FFFFFF, and #FFFFFF all will result in white) If you need to use BOLD lettering, follow the hex code with &l like so: c32c8&lO񗃴&lwe9764&ln/ca32&le3fd00&lr The above website will automatically do this for you if desired
Last updated